Pearl Ellis Gallery invites everyone to fill out our first annual Member Survey. Your voice is important to us as we move Pearl Ellis Gallery into the 2025 season! This survey should take less than ten minutes to complete and will be a very useful tool for us to gather statistics and to allow you to share your thoughts with us.
August 2023 Newsletter
With the busy-ness of summer, we missed a July newsletter, and can’t believe the time has moved on to past mid-August. It has been a wonderful summer, both weather wise and art wise here in the Comox Valley, but we do wish to express our thoughts and hopes to our BC and NWT neighbours who are currently struggling with the wildfires.
We are pleased to announce that the Pearl Ellis Gallery has a new Board Member. Susan Sarada was welcomed to the board at our August 1, 2023 meeting and she has jumped in to help move us forward. She has taken on the position of Member-at-Large. Also, we wish to advise that Tish Doyle-Morrow has agreed to take the position of Vice-president.
In sadness, the board has accepted the resignation of Kim McCabe effective September 1, 2023. We wish to thank her for the tireless effort she has provided to the Pearl Ellis Gallery and will miss her. Because she is moving on, we have one Board position that is open. Please consider joining us as our team of volunteers keeps the Gallery proceeding ahead. If you are interested, please send an email to and we will get in touch shortly.
On a positive note, we have had many volunteers step forward to take on existing Coordinator positions. Rim Slim has agreed to take over the Card Coordinator role from Mark Jones and transition is in progress. Teresa Kachanoski will be taking on the Comox Community Centre Coordinator position as Kim steps aside. Susan Sarada will be filling in the vacant Workshop Coordinator role, with assistance from Margaret McKenzie.
This leaves vacancies in the roles of Reception Coordinator and Marketing Coordinator. If you have time and any amount of skills in these areas, we would love to hear from you. Please send us an email to
We have started a Gallery sub-committee to work towards streamlining the selection and input process for our Members shows. We have over 200 members now and are looking for opportunities for artists wishing to show their work to be able to. This sub-committee consists of Carol Imai, Susan Sarada and Tish Doyle-Morrow, and we will be providing updates as their work creates ideas.
Art shows this summer included the Members Spring Show which ran June 20 to July 8, then the Faces and Places by Focal Arts Group which ran July 11 to 29. Currently, Feeling our Way by artists Elaine Smith and Miriam Myers is on display from August 1 to 26, 2023. Then, the Members Fall Show will open from August 29 to September 23, with an opening reception Saturday September 2, 1 to 3 p.m. It has been amazing to see the variety of art styles and uniqueness that has been presented over the past two months from a wide range of artists! Congratulations to all those who have had their work on display at the Gallery.
We are currently putting together a Workshop on Poetry and Art for September and working on other workshops for the fall. More to follow!