July 2024 Newsletter
As we begin the second half of 2024, we are happy to announce that things have been progressing steadily at the Pearl, and there are many interesting opportunities on the horizon.
As always, our card sales are very healthy, and many new members are availing themselves of this membership perk. There always seems to be something new on our card rack!
We kicked off the summer at the Town of Comox’s Summerfest event with a live mini-painting fundraising and awareness-raising event. We raised $450 and told as many passersby as possible what we are all about, and a handful of new members were recruited. Many thanks to Susan Sarada for organizing it, and to all the volunteers who participated, either by donating supplies, by coming to our painting party, or by helping at the booth at the event.The current show in the gallery, Pivot & Grow by Kate Bridger and Linda Greig, has been extremely popular with lots of visitors and sales; it is on display for one more week so don’t miss out. Here is a link to more information about it. [https://pearlellisgallery.com/pivot-and-grow-duo-show/].
Next up is “Art with Impact” about which you’ll receive a press release very soon.
Our next members’ show is around the corner. Submissions will be open on the website starting July 16th, and the show opens on August 20th. We are looking forward to seeing what new directions your creative paths are taking you this summer.
Our programming committee is working hard on developing the schedule for 2025, and once again, we will be showcasing three types of shows you can work towards. A total of 12 exhibitions will be mounted, four of which are members’ shows. As always, these are not juried and open to all members, whether they are at the beginning of their artistic journey or well established in their careers. There will also be four juried “concept” shows, which are group shows that ask members to submit work fitting the guidelines of a specific theme. Finally, we will have four juried open spots available for individuals or groups to propose their own show. These open spots are highly sought after, and our jury will meet in early October to make their choices.
Although 2024 is half over and our memberships are valid for the calendar year, becoming a new member is still a great idea. If you have been contemplating joining our dynamic community, we hope to seal the deal by offering a discount for memberships. The cost has been reduced from $30 to $20 for the remainder of 2024.
Since we are a fully volunteer-run organization, all our members have the opportunity to help out in a wide range of activities. While we always need people to host at the gallery or help with the installation of new exhibits, we are currently in need of: 1) someone adept at social media to help promote our efforts online, 2) someone to take the lead in organizing workshops, and 3) someone with board experience to join our board of directors. If any of these areas interest you, please contact me at teresa@pearlellisgallery.ca.
As we continue to grow and evolve, your support and participation are invaluable to us. Whether through membership, volunteering, or simply spreading the word about our events, you play a crucial role in sustaining our vibrant art community. Thank you for being a part of the Pearl Ellis Gallery. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming shows and events!
Warm regards,
Teresa Kachanoski
President, Pearl Ellis Gallery