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Happy November, everyone! As the weather cools, our thoughts turn to winter activities. For some, that's skiing; for others, it's travelling or dreaming of next year's garden. Here at PEG, we're busily organizing for next year's exciting exhibitions and workshops.…

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Pearl Ellis Gallery of Fine Arts Society is a not-for-profit organization that has been run entirely by our member volunteers since 1977. The Board of Directors has set the course for the upcoming 2024 gallery show schedule and are pleased to share the following information that outlines and explains our rationale. A list of the opportunities to exhibit in 2024 will be released shortly along with corresponding deadlines and requirements.…

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September has announced itself with cooler weather this year, and you can certainly feel it. Soon the leaves will be gorgeous shades of yellows, oranges and reds, which in turn may inspire new work from all of us. Our volunteers and Board members have been very busy over the past month, preparing for the fall and the upcoming year.…

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With the busy-ness of summer, we missed a July newsletter, and can’t believe the time has moved on to past mid-August. It has been a wonderful summer, both weather wise and art wise here in the Comox Valley, but we do wish to express our thoughts and hopes to our BC and NWT neighbours who are currently struggling with the wildfires.…

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We are pleased to announce that the Pearl Ellis Gallery has a new Board Member. Tish Doyle-Morrow agreed to join us at our June 20, 2023 board meeting and we are looking forward to her coming on board to help in the promotion of the gallery.…

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May 2023 Newsletter


The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held April 29, 2023 with adequate members to have quorum. Significant items that were announced included the resignation of Sonja Turnbull, Vice-president, and Isabelle Durand, Member at Large. The Board thanked them for their exemplary service to Pearl Ellis Gallery and wished them all the best in their future endeavours.…

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We wish to announce that the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held April 29, 2023 at 1:00 pm, Lion’s Den, Lower Level, 1729 Comox Avenue, Comox, BC. The Society requires a quorum to carry out this important meeting, so we strongly urge you to attend. The Agenda will be circulated shortly.…

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Pearl Ellis Gallery is a non-profit organization that operates with 100% volunteers. Our current mandate is to promote interest in and the study of visual arts, provide facilities for education and instruction in the arts, maintain a permanent arts center in the Town of Comox, and provide two annual education bursaries for high school students pursuing art as a career. We have an excellent group of volunteers, but more are always needed. Two of our Board members have stepped aside after outstanding service. Thank you for your dedication, Maja Harrington and Karen Erickson.…

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